Believing in helping families to work to end their poverty in dignity . . .

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"I urge you to support
the New Haiti Foundation
and help Haiti Families"
(Pat Jean Louis - Philantropist)

With your help, New Haiti Foundation provides Haiti families with the means to work themselves out of poverty.

Mission Statement

To alleviate poverty in Haiti by helping small business owners to expand their knowledge,

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Our primary objective is to increase awareness of poverty in Haiti among the general public.

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New Haiti Foundation Inc gives a free interest loan to small-scale entrepreneurs
in Haiti who are

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Great reasons to give -
We provide loans, support and mentoring to people who would otherwise have no access to financial services. Running businesses and supports natural individualism.

We have a ‘bottom-up’ approach -
We enable businesses to help themselves so they do not become dependent on charity. We recognize that assisting the people of Haiti at grass-roots level is the most effective means for Haiti to develop; they become less dependent on aid from developed countries.

Sustainability is central to our charitable approach -
First, we provide the opportunity and ongoing support for our clients to sustain business that will generate income and savings for them and their families.

Second, because our loans are repaid (our current repayment rate is 99%), we continue to recycle this money over and over again to help more and more businesses every year. Your donation can go on making an impact on the lives of families long after you have made it.

We empower individuals and communities -
In addition to making a living for their families, the independence that comes with running their own business means our clients become more self-confident, taking a stronger decision-making role in family life. Through empowering individuals in this way and providing them with opportunities and finance to create new incomes for themselves, the economic and social well-being of their communities increases progressively.

New Haiti Foundation is working to give the people of Haiti the working chance they need. Our vision is to help millions of people help themselves out of poverty by providing them with the opportunity to grow their small, self-sustainable businesses. New Haiti Foundation values the impact that a small amount of money can have on the lives of the poor. We believe in starting small, small steps lead to big change.

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